just the elephant or the rest as well is there a gametype for it. and il give u permision if you also point out that i have gave you permission...
working on the cracks now thanks for the heads up
putting 2 new maps on either today or tomorow!! --- the 100 download mark has been reached!! thats for downloadn everyone --- 1000 views horay to...
far more asteticlly pleasing plus two hurricanes chaos CHAOS!
yes its go the crane! thank all of yous for the great comments and new ideas. new map alert not givin alot away yet but if u like hurrican katrina...
thanks for the advise il get a game mode sorted and post it here! and yes this is my first post but i just posted a new map bumper bashers...
hello forgehubbers today i bring you my second map!!!!! called bumper bashers formally known as spaghetti. this map features a quick paced bashing...
welcome to shovels profile
Hello Forgehub. right this is my first post on forge hub so go easy on me please! Ok a while back i had started making elephant on forge but i...