listen this is to anybody that comments on my map from now on ok any body can say something negetive about some ones map but how about u guys try...
hahhahahaha u no the funny thing is that u spelt my tag rong and i have played 108 games ok so yeah get ur facts straight before u talk no the...
yeah dude i no how u feal the funny thing is that guy is telling me about how its a rip off of lock down its called downside v6 but any way yeah...
ok really didnt understand everything in the message but ok yeah im uploading pics to photobucket now so they will be on in like 5 to 10 minutes
its a good map i think it should be in the pro circuit made by FT Yshlaw its a really good map it plays sorta like onlaught its best for flag u...
hey cydronix and why not look im looking for a good forging team and id like if u guys came to my tame id think we would make some amazing maps...
thanks alot see now that is a person who played my map every knows that it is better than lockdown im going to have a new map up today its only...
sice nobody in here thinks im good ok add my account its FT Yshlaw since u think im no then lets see how good u really are instead of talking...
hey actually im am going pro and u dont even no my tag so yeah haha kid u dont no anything about me 2 things u should no i have my own personal...
wow seriously i jus to u to only say nice things and jus to let u no i am going pro and i have my own personal hackers so if u dont chut up ur...
wow u no what u guys r so egoish that u think u can jus tell somebody else how what they did was rong well maybe instead of always downing every...
wow have u seen the other side of the map its exactly the same on both sides only differncee is that the ramp longer on the other side and i did...
listen alright first the map isnt really that open and if the middle is distracting to damm bad thats ur fault for being distracted by it and...
thanks people it looks like i took lockdown yes i no but i made it all myself this map is orginal thanks its my first map so yeah of course it...
re message i get what u mean but amplified and onslaught look have the same layout red base on left side blue base on right side 2 towers froent...
thanks okay and it really is a good map sorry that im 14 and i jus registered on this site but i dont have to be good at forging im top 500...
thanks thanks u alot ur really amazing thanks even if that sounds alittle gay lol but yea thanks
i do i have pics go to the thing that says screenshots and it will take u there u can look at them ok dude
Made by FT Yshlaw the maps an amazing map it has two bases red and blue it might look a little like onslaught and amplified and lockdown but my...