wiat what what u mean i didnt even no there was another map named this dude my bad im sorry i didnt no piz forgive me
thanks alright i did it now u can look at it and see but yeah that one guy telling me i bought my account im going to play him 1v1
hey well i guess ur right is that what u wanted to hear but guess what ull never hear that from me another thing i dont care and i do have...
hey u no what here i admit it i took the fence wall from amlified are u happy now that was the only thing i used on this map and on downside i...
hey thanks alot man
hahahhahahaha u no the funny thing is this kid is dumer than a boxx look first of all my map looks nothing like amplified ill admidit i like...
Ok im going in to the pro circtuit this year most likley after meadowlands so if u want lessons from a really good player its 1600 microsoft...
hey im going to show u a new foundry map layout map and u will **** ur self cause its just that awsome so when u see another map made by me it...
have u already started cause if not i can help the map for u
hey so it looks like people r not replying to the messages any more its good in a way why dont u guys try to say something about the map even if...
thanks ok it does its alot of fun but it only plays for flag or at least for right now
thanks hey dude i was wondering if u would add me and then we could make some maps tohther alright thanlks
dude they r really not close to eachother and the map is not simple
pics callouts r on now every body check it out and i like my sig
the best sandbox map made so far in MLG Its called MLG Flip Side v6 its fun two big bases u can fall off best played with flag the towers are a...
i will hey dude ur going to get a friend request from one of my accounts k
look im not one to critisise peopls maps but i tooks like amazing on the forging part but to me it dosent seem like there is any bring room and u...
if some one is critisising ur map dont worry about it im goning to send u a friend request then we could forge sometimes ill teach u every thing...
this looks dude if u ever took the ****ing time to look at amplified it dosent look anything like it and for the other guy that does nothing but...
thanks dude u gave a good review about the map hey i was also thinking that maybe i should take a couple parts out of the middle maybe u can help...