I'll give it a go, I'll try anything to aleviate boredom.
Looks very nice, I like 'rave' type games, they are always a laugh. The (what I assume to be) reactor shown in the fifth picture looks somewhat...
This looks altogether rather pleasant.
At the top of the wall next to the cupboard - nade jump over. I know it takes down your shield but... Anyway, an easy fix is just putting some...
This is good, though easy to escape from with no way back in. As such, I've edited my version for my own personal use only so you cannot escape....
Looks good, basically I like the tunnel. Everyone should like the pretty tunnel...
Looks good, my only advice with a post that size is to have a link at the bottom as well, it just makes it easier.
Looks good. How did you do the screenies? Did you take a screenshot each time and crop it? That is the only reason I can see for the plus signs....
I am thoroughly impresséd. I will now download it.
This looks very well constructed, I salute thee and ye have my download.
I played this yesterday and it is now one of my firm favourites, it looks grat and the gameplay is truly memorable. Well done sir.
Interesting, I know some people who might enjoy this...
Sadly pics aren't working for me but I will download anyway.
I'll have a go at this - it looks pretty neat.
Though I can't see it I will download as I love the epic gameplay made by castle maps.
Thankyou Matty, your comments have been taken into account and I will begin work on an improved version over the summer (I have exams at the...
It looks good and all, but all MLG maps are pretty much the same, but well done it looks neat.
Looks good. Does it only work with territiories though?
Tis map looks great, though I do worry about the balance of it.
It must be said that this looks good, I'm not too big a fun of MLG but I will give it a go.