This is a nice looking map, but I haven't yet played a foundry map which I've liked that included a ghost. Still, I will download and have a look.
Looks great. I will have a look later.
Looks damn nice. I will download and have a look.
Looks pretty nice. Well done.
Looks fun, I feel the call of mosh pit.
Looks great, I will download and have a proper look.
Looks good, would you mind if I used this in the UKGamers 1v1 tournament?
Looks good, there are some interesting lighting effects on the first pic.
Looks great. At first I thought 'Ah crap, out of map blackout, he must have done what I'm doing'. You didn't, thankfully, what you've done is...
Looks good, not at all like the BF2 map coldfront, but ah well.
This is a nice clean map, I don't play many customs anymore as it crashes my xbox (Sad face), but I will download anyway.
One problem - you can get the custom powerup in the middle, using the compass on the AR you face East and get to the top of the fence wall in that...
This looks very well made, I like small maps so I will download it. I can't see any major problems at this time.
This looks rather nice, I might download as it looks fun, and I don't normally download anything from Foundry anymore, so that is high praise....
This looks quite good, I'm looking for some 1v1 maps for the UKGamers upcoming 1v1 contest, would you mind my using it? One other thing - I was...
That looks pretty good, well done old boy.
Some of these look quite good but it is spelled 'delegation' not 'deligation', the latter conjures up images of rotisserie chicken in my mind. My...
This looks good but I worry about spawn camping - firing between the bases as they spawn, especially with the sniper rifle.
Looks damnably good. Well done sir.
Looks good, god am I looking forward to UT3 on the 360 soon.