Punk drums can be fun/easy.
I'd like to see a map fought inside of a car.
Was that ellipses... indirectly aimed at me?
[img] [img] I shall posteth more.
Re: Recon Bungie Shirt. But the danger makes it so much better.
[img] The latest comic out of like a million that I've done.
Re: Recon Bungie Shirt. This shirt would be embarrassing to wear in public.
I agree with Chuck. The Academy... isn't.
He didn't do mine? Argh
Haha, nice.
I've got this original idea, infinite respawning exploding fusion coils. I think it would make for some interesting gameplay.
I'm not sorry to offend you: You're an idiot. Please: A. Never post again. Every post you have made shows a severe lack of intelligence. B. Grow...
Three or four times, but it stopped doing it. I never sent it in.
Jack Thompson would really be on your ass for this.
Wow! What a revelation! You are so helpful. You deserve guilder.
Can you save these files to be 3d models you could insert in say, a mod of a game?
Bass Guitar [img]
Can I beg you for a "bass" one?
I'll play whenever. I'm on your FL, I believe.