This place has changed you maybe i'm confused?
I see you're still flaunting your pompous douchebaggery around here. Not that I disapprove.
yo yo yo hey
one more character actually
mrah (2 more characters required to post)
Well I left. 2 Times, each in 6 months intervals. I have RRoD and would lack the new maps anyway, so what really drove me back here was boredom...
Yo dawg
Wrong! I actually got the custom title traitor once... good 'ol days... I think I might be stayin' for a beet. a few nights ago I had fun...
ohhhhhh mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn problem: RRoD Solution: 3-4 weeks. Other: Make me loyal or legendary or something. I give sexual favors in return!
Yo dawg I heard you like leaving and coming back to internet forums so I left and came back to your internet forum so you can leave while you come...
I also demand my name be somehow colored.
hey buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!eleven!!!!!!1!!!!!1 I'm back-ish.
Hey there hi there hey there hi there i'm back
Hey hey hey ehye hey hey hey hi.
Heck yes I watch small children's cartoons.
I know, right? She makes my mother feel like she could be president too! And why wouldn't the feminists outcast her? She's a lot more...
I would justify him but yeah internet argument over.
*cue internet argument* Well you see, since it was about people's opinions of you, Sarge's opinion was that you made a retarded thread. Then you...
Speaking of sleep deprivation, have you seen tropic thunder? 'cause im gonna have at least five of these by sunday.
Well yes, but the fact that that helps is scary to me. She has no experience (executive experience, my ass) and no business being vice president...