by default shock theta wins!!!! sorry chaotic Enforcer, but you did not show up for your match and you are out of time :squirrel_jaffa:...
Ryuuketsu is posting the carnage report later, but I won
Okay look there was an odd number of people in the tourny so you get a free ride past tier one for signing up first
Do not worry I will contact you tomorow!
OK guys its your responisblity to contact each other to play
THE A27 TOURNY BEGINS guys be sure to get your match in do not forget about it
if we can not get atleast 32 ppl by the 27th its off
Gamertag: A27 STARWOLF Link to your Account: Timezone:est Do you have a Strict, moderate...
Re: The A27 1v1 showdown Tournament I am sorry no, This is supposed to be for those who did not make the tourny
I can't click on the link
Re: The A27 1v1 showdown Tournament rusty is there anyway you could help get people to sign up for this!
Re: All of those who did not make the tourny.. READ THIS well heck my clan a27, there are 7 or 8 of them who would be willing to join, C'MON...
SIGNUPS ARE CLOSED The Tournament bracket will be up within the hour Because of recent Developments, Anyone can be in this tournament, cause its...
nice map man, I like your use of interlocking objects
I think like TGIFD there should be a night where one forge hub guilder/mason gets together with a group of 15 other members of forge hub, and...