Bungie: Halo 3 Coming To Windows... Confirmed? This could possibly be the change that "effects multi-player dramatically" What if there were...
I do not think that is fair though I will have the roster up soon
My clan would like to partake in this, but I am the only registered user on FH, will that be a problem?
Bungie.net: Service will resume momentarily just bringing you the latest!
I leave for one night and I come back to see 3 pages added on!!! XD
you can have thanks skittle!
whats the point of updating halo? I want a new game! edit-thanks for the rep!
http://www.gamespot.com/forums/show_blog_entry.php?topic_id=26483669&sid=6193720&tag=latestnews;title;0d It may be a leak, but they say its a...
http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/8962/studentdriverscopyci9.jpg I recently made this De-Motivational poster for a sig of the week that my clan...
If a society fails to move on and become more advanced will they not be left behind in the world? Or will it be their downfall
As of late, I can not seem to make any decent forge maps without forging with someone.... would anyone like to forge this monday?
there would be a graphics and arts forum I do not know about...
What do you think of my signatures?
Well hello there! I look forward to seeing your maps!
what? boot you when? If you mean yesterday I was not the one that booted you....:confused:
I am working on an original map idea right now, just might need some help with spawns.
Some of you know me, some of you do not. Anyways I am Starwolf, its nice to be at forge hub again. Here is too happy forging.
you guys need to hurry up and play
okay guys, it is up to you to set up your match today or tomorow
okay shock, I am sending you a FR, I had a snow day today so I'm here all day