I did aswell
I personally haven't taken the ACT, but I took the SAT in seventh grade for a Duke program.
Looks pretty sweet
Lol, only people who replied to the thread are me and killer
I really have no interest to play WoW or Runescape anymore.
Wow that looks awesome. I will definitely download when i get the new map pack, hopefully by wednesday!
Wow this is actually quite hilarious. So many people have played that game. Myself included. Very funny because I used to be so addicted to it....
Haha, that beer theft one is the best I think.
Haha, thats pretty funny.
That would be cool. But those are way too huge to put in foundry. At least sidewinder is.
Wow that looks awesome. Good job man.
Pictures would be nice, but I can't download it since I dont' have the new maps anyways.
Re: (BETA) Foundry **Maze Massacre_w/pictures! Dang it. I had this idea aswell. Looks pretty sweet.
I find it hilarious how everyone is doing remakes.
Play as a spartan, always have
I plan to get them once my exams are over. They will be too big of a distraction and I wouldn't study at all.
Sadly I won't be able to purchase the maps anytime soon due to time constraints with exams this week and next
Wow, I dont' know many other people who frequent oldeenglish like myself. I have been a huge fan of theirs forever. They have tons of good...
I am very angry about this. I continually have to delete stuff to make room for new stuff. Often thinks I don't want to. My purchase of the Xbox...
Looks pretty cool except I use IE instead of Firefox. Although if they made a halo one, I would definitely change over.