Definitely a download.
Wow thats pretty cool. How do you do that? Some button glitch?
Actually that is the way tournaments are set up. You seed people and have the best people play the worst people. That way the competition gets...
You can't exactly just hand out the guilder status for winning a tournament, it has nothing to do forging. Possibly like a title called...
Sounds interesting. Here are some suggestions: 1. Definitely don't play snowbound or levels with shield doors where camping and shotgun whoring...
I would suggest getting it now. I dont' see anytime in the future when they will reduce the price or anything.
I don't know what exactly the title has to do with the topic? But yeah those easter eggs are interesting.
Here's the link: Yeah I just read it, really sucks. "Undertow...
Purple Reign = Either Chill out or Midship, both are very small competitive maps. O.K. Corral could be some small little town out in Africa from...
I wouldn't doubt there being an elephant on the last level, lol
Sergeant Johnson Dies?!?!?! Holy crap. Seriously though, I only knew about the mongooses, those other vehicles are pretty sweet.
You think they would track the IP address that the account has been used on since it was stolen and go to that person's house and KILL THEM! Or...
I own a 360 but have played the Wii extensively. I think the 360 has a better variety of games. The Wii is enjoyable but with the few good...
I heard from lots of people that it was extremely repetitive, I would like to try it though so I'll probably rent it or borrow it.
I heard that Goldeneye isn't coming out because of some problems between the companies that made it and Microsoft. Too lazy to post a link sorry.
Looks pretty fun. Didn't see too many firebombs on the ground though
Yeah I noticed it too. Best publicity we could ask for.
Oh yeah there's a gauss add-on for only $5k more, not counting the bullets.
You do realize that Microsoft is going to be paying the companies for the money they lost when people get it for free. They just keep a tally of...
I haven't had a problem yet. I bought a target 3 year warranty considering all the problems I have heard about 360s. I just bring it in and they...