oh taht would be awsome FLAME CANNON another idea would be the sticky rifle -5x zoom no 10x -a little slower than bullets but not as slow as a...
eh i guess u have a point
yeah i guess
as awsome as that gun sounded TMI
ohh thats cool but it would need to be a support weapon like the flamethrower and misslepod
haha wow that would be cool like a lesser mauler oh something that you could do is make is shoot spikes that stick to things, like a mix between a...
oh that would be cool and good way to know if your gonna get sniped and i just had another idea it would be a brute grenade gravity bomb -it...
eh the brute plasma rifle was ok but not the most creative weapon now for the two who suggested the brute scope weapon i have just the idea for...
good point
first off i know that bungie is not gonna add these yadda yadda, i know this is a wish list first idea i had a time warp equipment -10 second...
oh that would be awsome, convyer maps it would be real cool to add a wind object that would make blizzards in snowbound and sand storms in sandtrap
realy tahts awsome
lol that would be awsome or a snap feature, that would make clean maps so easy
yes weve all seen this kinda topic before but trust me its different u see my idea is to add a toggle feature for maps for example the man cannons...
or a mounted missle pod or or a mounted sniper with infinite ammo that u could dismount and then it would have ammo or an actual way to link...
wow this goes deeper then i could have ever fathomed, thats right i said fathomed, this is awsome
this is awsome maybe other objects like radio towers will do this
or put 2 on the wings of a hornet
hey could one of the guilders make some kinda cool infection game using this trick make a guard the elephant infection game that would be so cool