wow this looks realy fun cant wait to play it
man i cant wait to forge on these maps just one more day
dude this looks awsome, how long did it take you to make
there realy needs to be a hornet on black out so much
((in a sarcastic tone)) thanks vinny ((in a real tone))thanks everyone else and to the other dark i see what you mean by it should my opinion...
yeah 800 points, and a 1600 point card costs 20$
so far that sounds like the best option
yeah the only reason i would do the N1GHTSTR1KE one is because my brother and his friends all have N1GHT in their gamer tag
um im still not sure if i should or not
very nice, cant wait to play it
yeah but people would snipe with the pistol now an active cammo epuipment that u activate would be nice
i like the holo idea it would be an awsome decoy, and the actual equipment was in the second game so there is a history of it in the halo universe
allright as soon i get some time ill work on koth, and a bar would be awsome but time consuming and probably not worth it, but good idea
thanks a million man i love it
yeah that sounds pretty cool, as soon as i have time ill add them, please people keep up the suggestions im liking this
are u still gonna finish mine
its gonna be a long day
crap, actualy a little bit of an ADD moment behind that post, i got a little mixed up on which one i was posting on
so your gonna make your own version???
so does any know the weapon layout on blackout