anybody know?
sweet map ! download my its great.
oh yeah you all ready. what's your'er all thoughts?
well anybody?
which resident evil game would you rather play?
Re: silent hill or resident evil. i actually draw the prymaid head a lot there geting better slient hill 2 was sick but i still have a place for...
Re: red faction. who knows man who knows. JK
ever heard of it?
Re: silent hill or resident evil. silent hill dosnt have zombies just crazy people you shoot at which is fun none the less.
which one scare's you the most?
hey can you send me one of your maps so i can try them?
that would be nice to have a FR im not mean to people only get mad at people who make fun of me first.
hold your horse i said nothing worng just asking about helping with fogering stuff . I have no friends on my list who even like forger they just...
please send reply.Ill be happy to help anyone with there map or anything else.
yeah i know them all.
I need to make a map but would like a forger buddy who actually wants to make a map . send a message or Friend requast to me if you want help me...
i cant make maps .
decent map right here not the best but im fine with it.
link A fun map for every one to enjoy playing on only can be played...