that was odd but funny.
ill help you do it just send me a FR or just tell me more.
yeah lockout is not the map you really want forge on persay its more for the tight gameplay that MLG loves. and purple rain got delyed .
woobie woobie wooobie!
damn id shoot that bunny it like this *bunny sees buff * *buff pulls out shoot gun blam then tea bags hes furry ass*
he's acting i thought he was just mad . you should see replys he was going after everyone. check this out guys!
this kid gets so mad!
well then im better then him. LOL
level 45s they think they own the freaking world.
alright why dont you get your fat freak butt and help me then when avery freaking lame friend i have plays infection all the blaming day long you...
im working on my TB TS is not work for me all my friends are gay they play infection all freaking day. are you trying to start a flame war noob...
better then mister 28 .
your'er kiding right its better then freaking snowbound you camper
i hate last resort .
yeah like a halo 1 map i could easliy forget but halo 2 DLC maybes its because i find halo 3 irrtating or somehitng IDK. CONTAINMENT! very big...
this guy is on crack if he cant think what a simple map name is. (:
WTF halo 2 dlc map do you keep talking about? is this funny?