good design and a good standard scale throughout the vehicle, could make a few changes but nice work
nice idea man, very original if you want add me and send me a message and ill could help u pimp up this map :) gamertag: TEC Spartan
nice work :)
Quoting the quoter :P
lol, just lol
cant see the screenshots but ill download and have a look soon
Re: [Glitched] Teleports To Roof Beams Map i did this ages ago, did u happen to find the beam that changes your gun color and armour ect, really...
haha cool, it reminds me of a blender but funnel-ish :P explosion pits ftw :D
if its infection, its good, great for when you have close to 16 person LAN meets ill have to add it to my custom playlist
not bad, maybe a few things could be added for visual effect but otherwise a nice start for future designs
Re: Sniper Training (Improve your aim in 10 minutes) TEC endorses this product fully and guaranties results in 10 minuites or less. "Simple yet...
Re: "Border Patrol 2" sweet map dude, great layout and fun to play. nice work
Gurnt FTW :D
if this is true then itll be great, bungie is aweosme and did a great job of halo 3 , a remake of marathon would hopefully be brilliant in HD :D
Q. how much is GOW2 gunna own? A. very muchly
very creative, unlike most other maps ive seen and thats a great thing
not bad, i like it
havent played the original but this is crazy. simple yet effective
wow, great job on the facial detail, the arms, shoulders, legs, hands, sword, laser eyes (evil grin), adn everything about it 10/10
Re: Earth (Puzzle Map) wow, just wow.