kaboom, molten lava flies from the volcano as a machinima film maker tries to get actors to climb the volcano to the tip. R.I.P crew of the failed...
very nice, i shall stand ontop of it with my sniper rifle and spartan laser and be a Dragonfly Overlord in my own little 1 person custom game
Re: Scorpion (not the tank) very creative, i like it 4.5/5
good work mate, would i be allowed to use this for a trial Machinima I'm wanting to make. please let me know, and if your interested i have one or...
cover the floor in respawns and active camo's and it will look like its on the water
downloading now :)
sword battles on this map would be great, set it so u dont instantly die form a swrod lunge but can knock each other back :D
sounds good
this is cool :)
nice, now we need to put spartan lsers in it somehow and get a red ring of death screenshot :P, wollydirewolf i think your on my friends list, not...
good effort roche178, i like it and admire that you put in so much work into it especially the fact that it is all levitating in the air which...
Re: RE: Blackhawk Helicopter dude, there was really no need for that, he did a really good job of this. dont put him down Nice map mate,...
haha thats some funny stuff man, i lol'ed big time
nice use of objects, creative and aesthetically pleasing
very creative, this is awesome, now you should get it shooting spartan lasers from its eyes :P
Re: a guitar hero controller made of weapons haha this is sweet, now i can get out my GH3 guitar and play halo 3 with it on this map, and not...
nice map :)
kapow, zoom, zap etc, bow down petty spartans at my Tie Hangar, i love getting guests to stand below it and lasering them :P
wow, mad work here man, very nice, i love these sort of maps
One screenshot was all i needed *downloaded map* good work mate, keep it up