Ok, so I have a new problem, I am attempting to make 2 to 4 guard towers, and I have extremely limited resources left for making them. The...
I was thinking of how to do that, but I don't think I'll have enough stairs, I have to use two sets of them in another area, so I will probably...
Nice, the box to box may work, good idea. I almost have this idea down on the stairs, but I don't think the map I'm working on has the resources...
Hey guys, I am trying to come up with a decent solution for a tower problem I'm having.I am trying to place four towers inside of a wall, I don't...
I made a map similar to this on guardian, but I put way too much stuff in it, like powerups, and I didn't make everyone invulnerable like you...
Well, in answer to question 1, no, I don't think it is possible to make it so that a team scores a point for every person crossing the checkpoint,...
Snowbound doesn't have a Machine Gun Turret. Yes it does, I made two different maps there with both plasma turrets, and machine gun turrets.
They actually started using grav lifts in Halo 2 instead of ladders because it make the gameplay much more smooth. Take Warlock for example, on...
I think scripted events add a lot to a game, I am currently working on one where it appears that you have no other alternative but to stand and...
Looks like you could make the first map out of a well stacked octagon shaped set of double boxes, then for those four pillars, bring out a few...
I am pretty sure that snowbound has all of those weapons. The only one it might not have is the fuel rod gun. But I know for sure it has all the rest.
Re: Map Designs (Much Cooler Sounding Than 'Ideas') Your zombies idea is a good play style, I have about 6 different zombies maps that work from...
I like the idea of having the magnetic ends for walls and corners, but I think it would be good to have an option for that where when you have an...
Well, I won't say they are the best, because I still haven't played ya'lls, but every hardcore zombie lover I have run in to says mine are some of...
Hey ya'll, just found forgehub today, due to it being mentioned in an article on bungie. I already have my download que full, and I need to get...