Yes, actually it is just like the turret glitch on Forging 101
Bllasae, actually it is very easy to move with a nade or just beating down the crate enough.
Thank you, if you could keep that thread alive. You should have enough to block of everything. If you dont just use sender nodes becaues turret...
Very simple. I posted a full tutorial on a method you can use to block of these areas. You can find the tutorial Here So you will need 2 crates...
I have been working on a map just like this. It is on sandtrap and the vi pis very very slow and can not get in vehicles. You must drive the...
Rusty, I normally photoshop for bigger logos for companies but I will try.
First off, Please type more if you want to critize(sp) a map. Second, post this on the Vents thread in Featured Maps. Do not spam this forum with...
This is the exact type of post that annoys me. Do not type two words!!!! Please explain to him how to use doors. Pinecone, surround whatever...
I have a stationary gauss turrent on my map but it is not merged with the map.
First off, if you merge a door or window panel with a hog it will fall down into the level and keep doing that all game. Second, weapon holders...
Ok who cares if it was your idea first stop arguing and he can use your idea if he wants too. On the other hand, This if a very cool trick but...
Try having more fusion coils fall.... try that while i think some more.
Its more like directly on top of the first floor. ____ ___ I___I___I___I I I I_______I From the front view
I see... alright well here is an idea. make a small second story(more of a roof) and place about 3 rooms up there. The middle room has the caged...
Honestly, there is no way to stop people from camping. Any place where two objects meet, people will camp. I understand that you want the bases to...
If its THAT small then don't have a watch tower. Maybe have a central bunker/tower that you have to capture. It seems like what we are saying you...
As I posted in another topic.. please don't advertise your maps before you are actually done with them. I understand you want it to be noticed but...
Very very cool... how long did that take you?
Alright I will make sure I set my alarm to soon and wait for it... but seriously.. I understand that you want people to look at you map pack but...
Not normally, but this does happen if you do it on the line of fence dividing Foundry.