Wow. Way to react conservatively to a mild...MILD opinion/inquiry. I just asked if you intended it or not...i read past you saying so. Its not...
This looks like a good layout but aesthetically it leaves me wanting. Interlocking objects would clean this map up tremendously and possibly lead...
Why not discuss it with the people making the reviews? Don't pass liability like that. Who invites these guys to review maps anyway? ...and its...
Hypothetically, if someone would want to complain, I wonder where the appropriate place would be. You know, if you had a group of guys trolling...
I have to DL to see more but this has the look of a real map designers level (like someone who would do this crap for a living) Your ideas and use...
Looks great but what makes people go into the center? The H3 overshield hardly warrants the risk and all I can see is a needler, covey, and spike...
The little building in picture 2 is the reason I will DL for aesthetic ideas.
I have a question...what did you do during the two months in Forge? There are an awful lot of crooked walls etc. Its not that hard to make sure a...
Have you met someone so willing to take the abuse? "And like i said, any and all feedback and criticisms are welcome...its over. please refrain...
LOL if only it were so easy to keep people out. Listen, I was not directing anything to you. Doesn't it irk you to have someone who is a...
I would like to see his criteria for judging maps. For instance, how does he measure aesthetics? Is he using any of these: Measures of Balance,...
"You know, I really appreciate that response, not only did you defend your map logically, but you didn't do it insultingly. I really do appreciate...
Re: Believe V.2 - Slayer,Bomb,CTF,VIP,Infecton - Epitaph Same thing how to post map (e.g. naming map posts)
Re: Ark V.2 - Slayer,Bomb,CTF,VIP,Infecton - Construct Does the long name of this map meet posting standards or is it = Fail!
Rethink the entrance avenues into the arena. 4-6 person Lone Wolves seems most fitting for this "Mini Game" Seems very simple though interesting.
Re: Facility 007 This map makes me wish more and more that Bungie would create multi-state objects like doors. The doors on foundry are the same...
This is why I think you don't get it; an AR is not a power weapon and if you take on a power weapon (or a multitude of them) with an AR then you...
Ok...Just played this with 7 other friends...4 of them quit and 2 hate me now. I'd like to say we played an entire game but 3 quit after 22...
Listen, I don't have to. I have played enough Halo to know from a Forgethrough what this game will play like. You have too many power...
Reminds me of Foundation. Nice arena-style map with plenty of nooks. Excellent interlocking so we don't have to struggle with sloppy design and...