I know another method but it takes like 15min.Your method is much shorter TY for posting it.
Everybody saying wrong forum is making me feel like I'm on HIH.Also this is impossible.SRY :(
Out of the many times I tried this it hasn't worked once.But I suck at forge so that's probably a good thing.
Why did you remove it?
Maybe make a floating fusion coil above the truck that spawns at the beginning but never again so the truck is blown up.(place at start...
That looks....freaking amazing.I can haz reinz? :squirrel_wtf:
I have a character idea.Vehicle expert.You make the custom power up give you the ability to drive vehicles.It wouldn't matter for anyone else...
I would download but I can't que anymore.While I wait can I have a pic of the spectater room?
If someone actually makes this i will dL nad post on severally groups im in on bungie(giving a link to your maps thread)
Mines because of my clan.We all have a RVB characters name then 60.
Re: What Weapon do YOU use the most? AR, because you start with it.
Rats Nest is the best.I've had some amazing CTF games on it.