yeah it lloks a little to small but the idea of all the different rooms is something to be honered, i did something like this but it was a boxed...
Im the one who mentioned the rats nest idea, :squirrel_giggle: and it looks like you not only made a great map for paintball on rats nest, you...
The map definitly has the kinda feel of grifball ill agree, but it does look like quidditch, the only thing missin is the golden snickit.
My opinion of this map is that it is well done for the game and game type so keep up the good work, also i wouldnt mind a rats nest version...
bow chicka waw waw uachick uachicka!
(-_-) so this helps how?
The map looks preety cool, now if only it had machine turrets :squirrel_jaffa:
its only a shame that your brother cant see you made such a wonderfull map in tribute of his duty to good old U.S.A. :(
How do you get the recon helm?????
the reason your not supposed to use boxes is because it more or less looks unnaural to what your trying to make.
lolz i wonder if he eats his big mac through his helmet or on it!!
Now what ya need to do is add a discription for the map and also alot of plama canons.(only 4 ya can make) :(
I think that you should put in a couple more empire areas to show how little a chance the republic has to win. :squirrel_jaffa:
Theres no way master cheif could loose because i mean you cant see a bullet its a metatl slug basicly, and even if his light saber blocked the...
I would sugjest stacking normal sized barriors as protection, that and crates.
Ya know to me it looks exactly like the real thing, just with out the screwed up chicken that was mentioned earlier in the post's, but never the...
It looks pretty sweet, but the only thing missing is the fat master cheif spillin mcdonalds coffe on his lap and screaming OH S*** THAT'S TO...
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* I can only wonder how much time was spent on it and how hard it was to make, i only wish i knew how to get those...
this works pretty well for all my maps hehe its kind hard to do though lolz... :squirrel_giggle:
this map is the best cops and robbers map i have ever seen made!!! no seriusly...... but anyways it looks like a great map layout and an awesome...