seems pretty sweet, but it will be easy for someone to just snipe the mongoose drivers..... :squirrel_sad:
yeah,i need visual aids to know wtf im dowloading, otherwise it could be something i might delete after one play, srry to be so rude but pics help...
love the map style and the fence wall idea was pure genius for those avid forge inventors like myself, keep up the good work.
i know a player who made a stairway 2 heaven on sandtrap, is that your bro or not?
this map does remind me a little of my own map called close combat, its basicly walls set up in a maze like this, and yes i used i's to represent...
Who would download other users content and then claim that they made it all their own, it just sickens me!!!! :squirrel_rant:
Some one should make it so the mcdonalds gets robbed, the robber should be black and the customers should be whatever color but with no weps, but...
sounds good but the hills or rather floating bridges will be very hard to make becaus there will have to be lots of them in order to be a...
I have had the same problem with man cannons, in my training grounds map, the cannon;s i have laid out seem different every time i try to go...
the idea is good but there should be a few more human pads to jump on to so theres a better chance of a zombe death in such a short period of...
*caugh* sore loser *caugh* *caugh*
the bungienator is an impressive feat but no arms? It cant fight other robutz now like the posing robut
yeah ill have to agree to that, get a pic from under that huge flin robotic thingy!
im pretty sure that the whole golden arches thing is an impossible feet that not even the greatest forger can make, so kinda take it down a knotch...
you should makethe robots eyes out of something like wepeon holder holding beam rifles!
Yeah, that makes sense cause its the biggest map and the fact that that would give you an event that has starting map foundry paintball, then rats...
You should force the jugg to be brown and every body else to be red little marios LOL :squirrel_giggle:
All i can ask is if you could maybe make a checker board for us who have no idea how to play chess, srry cant help me im stupad :squirrel_wtf:
Yeah i can see it turned out nicley, now the only map left is standoff, and sorry if i caused ya any night time hours of sleep over that great map.
I love the idea of putting such a silly game in halo 3, i wonder why its called tic tac toe.....