This is one of the most creative maps ive seen on high ground, other than all the D-DAY landing maps, anyways great map and great gametype so keep...
Im really into tee whol military scene so i have seen this before, great job on the rotors to.
A good idea would be to cover that front with bridges, or call it the boat from zeld phantom hourglass....hehe :squirrel_giggle:
wait, you can save sgt johnsen, what does he do after you save him????? :squirrel_wtf:
Why is everyone saying that the mele system is so terrible, just because you die and you think you should have won dosent mean its flawed or has...
The only thing i can say about the wii is that the timing was a bit late far as timing is concerned, if they were gonna release it they should...
yeah, i do miss that scarab gun so :squirrel_sad:
Or get a connector cable, it might work, or just reset your router even!
thx man! :squirrel_grouphug:
My favorite memory is beating the original halo on legendary and then seeing johnson and an elite hug, just before they apperaed to be...
How about you hear him out instead of saying its fake guys...
Can someone explain to me how to do it, i have dial up and cant upload that video yet. srry. :squirrel_sad:
i only wish we had pics and knew when these new maps come out! :(
The weirdest glitch i found was when you die on high ground in the base, the one were the flag is, if you die in that room and you put your death...
thx, now all i need to know is whats up the hill in that special area.
Re: Vault (SWAT) All i can say is nice work on the bank and the courtyard, the only thingis that i feel compelled to ask why the sniper is even...
When i get the chance ill download this map because i have loved the ghost sense the first halo, and the name covenant death scooter caught my...
You should add some man cannon jumps, everyone loves man cannon jumps!!!! :squirrel_evil:
In foundry you can do this by mainly using double and single boxes, along with bridges to make the more compilicated ones, and it should only have...
Whats an APC warthog?? im confus. :squirrel_wtf: