its not really a thing u do together, its more like repetitive trial and error for 4-8 hours , maybe more
im a colonol lvl 44. i played halo only in the first couple months then moved on to counter strike/call of duty 4. i quit halo because i hated...
lol, i saw it b4 but its great. one of the greatest machinama series out there (besides red vs blue)
amazing. u guys rock. keep making maps so i can play them lol.
lol sweet!
omg! AWESOME! __________________________________________________________________ <a...
what an original idea? very, very fun
best recreation of any map on halo 1/2 ive ever seen.
i hav never had this much fun. seeing ur friend get laid out by a dumpster is priceless! download this map now! with a bunch of friends, u are...
looks amazing. great craftsmanship
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* awesome map
fun map. got a little repetitive, so i invited more than 3 pple. thats when it really gets fun, nice work had a lot of fun on this one. easily worthy of best map 07
lol, kinda was hoping he would fall off... wow, im going to hell ______________________________________________________________________ <a...
amazing, 1 out of a billion right?
lol, those glasses are tight! (not really)
Thanks for the idea of telling the viewer what each will do b4 it goes off. i will include that in my 5th one, which i have finished just 2...
These are some Rube Goldberg Machines i made in Halo 3 over the last couple months. Most people are probably wondering what a Rube Goldberg is, so...