Re: Hotel check in... For Hotel Zanzibar(updated so walls are fixed...) wow, thats a nice map, love elevator and trees... I think that the empty...
wow.....big cube... nice! love the trek theme...
Re: OMG it's GODZILLA! great looking, and nice idea, but the lasers arent impressive....
Re: Tartarus 1.2 (Revised) try switching dumpstres for shield doors, trucks, other cover not bad, but the hiding spots are too many and the large...
not bad, love the name!
nice hill but why carbines?
great idea, but honor rule never works :squirrel_sad: 8/10
great version of griffball! i say.....9/10!
Re: Whack A Mole *FINISHED* the pics are hard to understand and juggernaut would be better, but the concept is great!
this is a complete copy of the swings v. 2 on a different map.... wow this is not original
nice idea, but not that original.... I love the shield doors, but maybe add some cover?
love the timed out layout!
nice, but dont you need honor rule?
lol great idea, i never thought of a board game
I love the lights idea, and there is more to this than meets the eye. nice map.
not that original name, but I love the "Dont touch the ground" idea. suicide adds a nice effect :squirrel_shiftyeyes:
calm down, I agree with the mod. This map is fun to play for a round, but is not original or unique. Its a circle with a start and 1 jump, then a...
confusing to look at but overall a good idea.
ya, the gametypes fill my memory :squirrel_sad:
the race track is horrible but great loop t loop! 4/5