Recon Hands Down
OH DANG, if people are modding their maps just so that they dont have to play that map, WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TOO???
I Absolutly love Gaurdian, i know all the knooks and crannys all over the place, and know all weapon placment, and strategies. I can even get up...
YAY a mini greatness
Re: Tunnel Rats 2 LOVE the Map but I found a few glitches... 1. Are the trip mines supposed to be on unlimited spawning, cause they are. 2....
i so want an undo button, but if i could just remember to save after everything i just put down then i could just exit the map, and reload it.
Ill help in anyway i can.
yeah i kinda got hounded when i posted my map for the historical map tournament. i posted the map information first and then went to photo shack...
mine also restarts the search, it gets so anoying
ive had it one time, and it only took 2 weeks to fix.
how about you make a tower in the center of foundry and stick some plasmas in it and suround it with sheild doors, if you misstime your sticky you...
well was it hard to get this sight popular?
so is this a must get game or not?
I was playing CTF on Valhalla, i ran the flag up to 20 feet from our base. A banshee comes and splatters me, and the flag lands right next to the...
I dont like the thought of Abortion.