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i personally don't like the beam rifle. sniper all the way!
that first time playing through the campaign right after all the games came out. the excitement, the joy, the pain, the "nooo its over!"
yeah i'm tired of the constant trash talking every single game even if you win. they always find something to complain about or at least just make...
yeah there needs to be some breakable glass. it makes a map look and play better. and its just cool.
btb was never one of my favorites but it can be tons of fun, so....woohoo!
oh well. we'll get it some day. and in the mean time we get a different one.
amen. same thing as the scarab gun.
i tried on sandtrap and epitaph. i flew around the outside of the map and then killed myself and ended it after i spawned. then went in the...
thanks rj. haha i have one more problem though. using the second method, i can't get the camera to free veiw when looking from outside the barrier...
make them blowing towards the player not towards each other. that should work.
the elevator idea is interesting. i might have to try that, thanks.
haha thats great!
i need help. i'm trying the first method on last resort. i cant even get the teleporter outside of the first wall. but i did find some spots that...
awe that sucks. it better not be like that.
i need help. i tried this but no matter what height i put the first box, the one that is supposed to go into the ground ends up like 1 inch into...
yeah ignore them. people like that come around every now and then and you just have to let it go, they are just taking it out on you that they...
what do you mean? he isn't going to have those? sorry like i said, i haven't heard about it.
yes this trick is one of the most helpful things when forging.
wow thank you. i had been wondering what that was for.