we gave this map some room for laughs by putting those in, cause while we were testing it we found that its hard for the attackers to get into the...
Barricade Created by F4K13D0UBL3P3G and Bornslayer05. "Fight your way in, finish your objective, fight your way out... Just another day at the...
yeah i know they are sloppy but they shoot you a different way every time unless you hit it the EXACT same way, so they are about as clean as they...
This map is a big maze made of man cannons, grav lifts, and alot of teleporters. I play that there is no killing till you get to the end because...
oh one of my friends had this one and its so fun on infection.
Re: Storm the Beach *BNG Fav* this one looks like it could be alot of fun.
i've played this one, it's alot of fun.
this looks really fun, i'm about to download it.
Re: Scarab Assault - Features a Fully Detailed Scarab wow nice job.
Re: Spillway this map looks really cool.
yeah the idea is cool but the map is messy.
haha thats awesome.
these predictions are awesome, i can't wait to see who is the most accurate.
i got it once and after 2 months with no xbox they sent me a refurbished one with both the power and open button broken. it sucks. but oh well.
i think there is one somewhere on that level. because bungie is sweet, and they do crazy stuff like that just so people can have fun. look at...
even if he was and he did the grenade moniter trick the grenade would've come from him, not the area where he originally did the trick. i've tried...
i can't wait for more maps
haha thats hilarious.
bioshock was amazing. the only thing i didn't like was that once you beat it. you were done, there is not much to do after that beside replay it.