This post doesn't meet the guidelines. You need to embed pictures and give a real description. Almost any user here will be willing to do that,...
See, there's the problem. You have to build the map around the exploding wall. I'm actually making 2 versions, a Last Resort and a Foundry...
Not entirely true. I have one half-completed right now, inspired by all the Helm's Deep WC3 maps. That being said, you put yours out first. But...
hmm, is this possible to do in a map that's already otherwise completed, or would I have to start over?
The most important thing is the signal splitter... If you aren't too concerned with quality, you can always opt to use a video camera....
Basic rule of map/mod making. Don't make something the first time in an editor. Screw around with it, learn some stuff, then make something...
If you've placed spawning points, then nobody should spawn outside the map. If there ar enone, Bungie has invisible "emergency" spawns that will...
I tried it. The crates are too high(assuming player speed and gravity are normal) and the only part you can get through is if you mange to jump up...
Interesting concept... But is there a DeLorean to be found inside this mine? And if so, is the Flux Capacitor functioning?
If you'd like to ignore me blathering on, read the second to last Paragraph. If you'd like to know more about my decision on the shotgun-rockets...
I'll look into the shotgun thing. If I had enough budget I'd probably put a wall or something there, making you run back across. I'll figure...
I'm just going to re-align a couple stuff to make sure it's more symmetrical and upping it to 2.0. I don't see how much more it can evolve without...
No, Masons make stuff, not levels. Guilder, maybe. There's a difference.
Re: Gut Flag (Fully Tested) It doesn't matter if the Bungie test team tested it for the last month and has helped you fix everything. Without...
Very Nice But I have a question. How did you pull the exact layout ideas from my head? Seriously, it's exactly like the one I had been...
Anyone want to start an official* Forgehub Grifball Team? We need 7 people I think, but if we have 10 or so we can split the team into 2 and keep...
GAH! You stole the name I was using for my next map. But uhhh, screenshots please. From what little you've described, it sounds like you've...
That wouldn't work. It's fine for offering a disadvantage for sneaking out of an arena of some sort. But it won't work on this map for the...
Hmm...I hate double posting. So my apologies to everyone. I'm working on v2.0 and am so far short of idea. I'd like to make a change that would...
Re: The Swings Version 2!!! Still, it's essentially the same map, nothing new exact a million foot fall beneath the platforms. Great and all, but...