Sounds like a cool idea. I will check it out. Only thing that I can see is: Since its a close quarters combat map, the sword may be WAY...
I can give you examples though. I play the ORIGINAL Counter Strike, because it has better gameplay mechanics, and map design than Counter Strike...
Don't listen to them about adding aesthetics and stuff. Gameplay is the only thing that matters. Though 80% of the people on Forge Hub don't...
Thank you very much sir.
Ya there is Anyway, please post a link to the map! So I can download it, hurry because my fileshare is almost full!
Looks great, I love serious competitive maps so I will check it out :) Where is the link though?
Im sick of people judging maps before they even play them too. It makes me mad. Especially when they do that to maps in the COMPETITIVE SECTION....
Nice, its ok. I had a LAN Party yesterday :) Hooked up a couple TVs, played Halo 1, Halo 2, RainbowSix Vegas 2, COD4 and some xbox live arcade...
'De' is 'of' in spanish. So the title is Cake of Lie. I did that on purpose :O
Version 2 is coming out soon, any last suggestions?
Please please PLEASE man, work on the gameplay for this map. It looks fantastic, but the gameplay just isnt there. I suggest maybe more access...
Looks great, I wouldnt have the patience. Seriously though, want me to PM you pictures of my map to show you how similar they are? Its creepy.
Deffinate download! I have one RAGING question though, HOW did you make that overview of your map in the post? Is there something I don't know...
I just have the two as a temporary spawn kill preventors on top of the building, Im working on a different spawn kill stopper, just wanted to get...
Yeah, this is one of my favorite competetive maps, and its by my favorite forger. We have to deffinately make the cs_office map soon, or if thats...
Re: Battle Grounds! (v1.2) Ya rockets are'nt very useful when you are UNDER the people, explosive are supposed to be shot at walls, roofs,...
Re: Battle Grounds! (A uniqe map) Haha, Im downloaded it, next time I have Halo night with all my friends this will be the first we try out, I...
Re: Battle Grounds! (A uniqe map) Ahh Double post... >_< But looking at the screenshots closely, it looks like you should seal up the sniper...
My friends and I love the remake. Whenever we have Halo nights, this is always in the rotation, everyone begs to play this, they never played Halo...
Downloaded this a while ago and recently played it with some friends, LOVE IT Gameplay works great, close as you could have gotten it to Halo 2,...