I'm gonna give your map a try since you so kindly tried out my map and gave me feedback. It looks very different and interesting from the pictures.
Re: Defilement (V1.01) Sorry about the double post. I'm doing some more testing right now. Mostly for spawn times.
Re: Defilement New version by the way V1.01
The map map look incredibly awesome.
Re: Defilement Thanks for the feedback. I do plan to change some of the geometry as well as some weapon placement today. I surprisingly didn't...
Re: Defilement Asymmetrical, that was the word I was looking for, it just slipped my mind at the time, but they both are the same thing. When I...
Re: Defilement Yeah I already know about that.
Re: Base Conflict, 10 pictures Not even going to think about DL'ing this map use the standards please. You could at least embed the pictures, not...
Re: Defilement I have 0 budget but it does play really nicely.
Defilement Created by Defiler47 V1.01 Supported Gametypes: All Map Description Defilement is a three base unsymmetrical map. The 3 bases are...
Re: !BLAM! - Halo Bowling! There has been so many of these...
wow, I was playing with these brats yesterday. They where claiming to have made this map and that they were the best map makers ever. LOL what...
look cool, A lot like the Bungie 500. But I still debating to download it or not. It doesn't really have anything that makes me wanna DL it.
Looks pretty sloppy. If your going to post a map, try to spend more time on it.
Don't like the movable/passable objects for boundaries but if thats all you got its all you got.
Trapzilla is an awesome map.
Yes I actually do [img] Its out dated though but its the only one I got. I now have about 11,230,000. but you get the gist
A very good map especially for not being foundry.
Re: Spillway Very nice map, Its good for a small amount of people.
Looks really awesome.