That is so horrible. I'm never going to buy fur things...
Ha. Maybe during the summer when I have more time.
Looks like the best I've seen on the new maps. Q'ed
It looks really awesome, I'll give it a DL.
I think it might of been some sort of glitch because Drainage, which was posted really close to the same time, was double posted.
looks interesting and well made, I'll give it a DL. I would recommend more pictures.
Looks decent, but what are you going to do with mongooses? They look pointless.
Two swords right next to each other and fire grenades? Lol Looks well made, but you need to rethink your weapon placement.
I'll give it a DL. Looks interesting.
What is this? Double post heaven? At forge Hub double posting is not aloud, please edit your previous post. The second one looks nice I give it a DL.
Looks excellent for you first forgehub map, I'm just not a fan of platforming levels. It distracts me to much from combat.
I think He was making a Bloodgulch based map, not a coagulation map. I love the idea I just think you could be a little cleaner on the map.
It looks very well made. You have my DL.
Cool reminds me a lot of midship, except smaller
I agree, but a lot of people seem to disagree. I personally enjoy the 'rocket rush' like you said. I'd say about 30 hours, it would of been...
It hasn't officially been done yet. iamchris4life is your best bet with a -30 run, But he is one of the best players out there along with...
Omg, it looks amazing, You spelled out 'on' with receiver nodes! OMG!
It looks amazing for a first post, DL'ing right now
Looks great, I got it Qued.
I'm testing a version that has a brute shot instead, just to see if it plays better.