Re: Anti-King: You sure don't want to be in this hill!! there are links to pics listed above. Have fun with this map, Its a new concept, and so...
Re: Anti-King: You sure don't want to be in this hill!! yeah, I built everything in the middle of foundry. All the grenades on the map make for...
Re: Anti-King: You sure don't want to be in this hill!! wow, I did break alot of rules. My bad. I had trouble embedding the pics, but everything...
Anti-King: the KOTH game where you don't want to be in the hill. Download It! You begin the game falling from the ceiling of foundry into a...
the fact that you cant cheat is so great!! I love this map. Too bad foundry isnt any bigger...
as this map is amazingly remade (the best remake yet), I dont believe that it is very fun to play on
creative idea, you would just need the grav lift to instantly respawn
personally I think getting out of a map is pretty stupid. Now stuff like the control room on standoff can actually beused in real maps for good...
when is the second set of new maps coming out? anybody have an idea?
i think a team tourny would be way cooler. I would enter. Itd allso be better if guests were allwoed
much better than the orig. This way gay noobs dont just jump off the edge
but your maps dont suck hardcore... they rock!! This is the best territories map. It tops the storm the beach.
i have no idea how this map won map of the year. It is fun ONCE. Then its all gone. This map sucks
easily the best slayer map of the year (as it was voted) I love azn's maps. well i love all of forghubs maps. Although some of the recent ones...
Re: Millennium Falcon this would be way better if some guilders editted it a bit to make it for some great gameplay.
sounds like way too much of a hassle for me. Eventually the system would overload also
is paintball basically the same as swat?
whats up yall, im a grifball machine. yall should play me somtime
yeah, it does kindo of ruin the song a bit. Such a classic... AND SHES BuyIng the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN!!