No money, and no storm either. Now when I turn it on, I've noticed little spots on either side where the speakers are after long enough or if I...
So you're the Magisterium?
I know I win when I get hit with Death Coil as an opener... erm wrong game.
It's pretty new, so no it doesn't need to be on channel 2 for gaming (I lost my UHF/VHF-AV Converter anyway). Yes, using an antenna BUT it works...
Sounds like a good explanation, explains my sound not working and my TV colour messing up. Only thing I need to find out now is why channel 2...
So, my TV I got less than a year ago has been acting up. The issues: 1 - Most important, doesn't display a channel. The channel is channel 2 on...
Couldn't you get a custom height using a floating wall and having the entire arena elevated? If you use the pit, make sure there are multiple...
1 - Isn't that illegal? 2 - If it is illegal, and since Bungie visits this website and has your personal information from your account, can't they...
But it's about a screenshot. I don't care much anyway, but it's just amusing to me, moreso than Bungie hating all caps.
Couple places in the H3 campaign, 2nd mission and Taso Highway I believe
I agree with the OP, the placement of the Shotgun on Narrows for example, it's in an extremely vulnerable spot to being sniped, and the placement...
Amusing how this thread hasn't been locked/moved but others (non of mine) have been moved/locked when they're asking a question or commenting...
I hardly ever use Stacking, to be honest, I thought the "Stacking" in the topic meant the friend hold crate method. I use that very often and use...
I'm not sure you can, yet. By the way, Al Gore is after you.
Re: Elongation + Video No, they're the same, down to the little guy, the pixels are perfectly aligned, you can even test it in a paint program.
Re: Elongation + Video Both your first two screenshots are of the A side, I'm assuming one is supposed to be a middle section?
I'm thinking Narrows is the best choice, a series from one side to the other so it's like the real thing, you fall, you die.
I'm trying to make a Donkey Kong Country map emulating the barrel launches using teleporters and careful jumps into them to get the right heights...
I'm not sure, I've never needed to use a spawn area, but I think spawn areas are just priority zones you can set so people spawn in a spawnpoint...
You also need 16 respawn points and make sure you have enough for each team.