Whaaaaat? :squirrel_wtf: :squirrel_wtf: Wait, I can read it now. Heh, yay pretty cool, huh?
See for yourself! VIEW 4:25 to 4:50 ---V http://youtube.com/watch?v=pfb2l-iYlRo Commentz?
Super ultimate QFT. I have to somewhat diisagree with hobo heights though. I like in v2 to jump down and merely push him off XD
Re: Elevation? and Lifts? Sounds interesting. In the map I'm currently working on I hve three 1-way elevators made up of only a fence box,...
What about support weapons? I can has flying flamethower?
I'm making a map now on Foundry, but the map I'm making after that is on Rat's Nest. It's the first map I'm making there, the budget is...
I has ideas!... :squirrel_chatting: But I can't always makes: :squirrel_eyebrow: Why won't that go there? :squirrel_wtf: WTF? Why did I...
Opaque Shield doors. All the benefits of shield doors, without causing AS MANY stand-offs. Fence "Tunnels" Like double boxes made out of...
What. The. Hell. That is some crazy nonsense right thurr.
Holdout - My favorite Zombie-opolis Ambush (City) Block Zombie Town! WE are legend ( based off movie I Am Legend) Sounds like a good...
_________________________________________________ I don't know why, but this reminded me that the last time I worked on this map, I clicked...
I had an idea similar to this, and now I don't have to do the work! Good map judging by pix. I DL
Been away from my computer, haven't been able to respond. -------------------------------------------- Posted on: Yesterday at 10:09:07 pmPosted...
Angles may be pretty hard, but the Lego idea is useful if you're just experimenting, or more importantly if your in this situation: *Puts red...
No, I loves FH! It's just easier to keep track of PMs if everyone sends them to Bungie, as I am a member of many fansites. I'm also far too lazy...
You can has proof when I finish the map. You can has pictures when I figure out how to work my new camera. You can has squirrel army? You...
So do...waaait a second. Why have all the smilies been replaced with squirrels!? WTF man?! I mean, sure, it's really cool and everything but I...
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} AHH YES!! Finally after like 20 minutes I got it!
Re: MY House (KoTH Map) {Pics} A) Still don't know how to embed pictures...... B) The text map is just there in case your browser won't let you...
lawl The music video was hilarious, my favorite clips were from 1:32 to 3:15 and the "I believe I could fly" one. lol power rangers :D