Enough "Yo my sig is awesome" threads. Rate the signature above yours, on a scale of 0-10, or if you are completely blown away by one: 11....
Yes, hopefully "Halo Discussion" won't turn into the "Halo 3 Forum."
Wow, the pics on Valhalla look amazing. I'm surprised Bungie coded secenery all the way up there...
Pretty crazy stuff... And it's also the first video I've seen in a good long while that did not have a rediculously crappy soundtrack playing....
I believe it is real, there are a lot of freaks in this world. (Look at Titmar) I kid, I kid.
DID YOU KNOW That this is actually one of the top 100 watched YouTube videos OF ALL TIME?!? ......O RLY???? ....YA RLY!!!! iPod Touch lists...
Oooooooh Ouch! *Sound Peter Gryffin makes when he hurts his knee*
Back On Topic. (Somewhat at least) :( :( :( Where's MC?? :( :( :(
Custom Games - But On Forge maps I made.
Uber QFT. Also MM is MEGA SLOW.
A semi-long time halo-player, I went in that playlist and won almost every game if I remember correctly.
If you have friends = Rock Band If you have no friends (or maybe just one person that feels sorry for you) = GH3 ------- In general = Rock Band....
Yu-Gi-Oh Fanboys. That's like a bigger rivalry then H3 v. CoD4!!
(My apologies of this has been posted elsewhere; I didn't see it) I think it's too...cluttered... Worse. What do you think?
I was a beta tester! And glad to be one. One of THE MOST fun and INNOVATIVE games I have EVUR PLAYED. Great job everyone! 10/10
Paint Shop Pro or Adobe Photo Shop. Bu I'll have you know that you can do more with MS paint than you think :squirrel_wink: I've seen some...
"The spoon is TOO BIG..." "My ANUS is BLEEDING!" "As ticks fly out of my nipples." "ROBOTS!!!" Very funny indeed.
I agree with everything said so far. ESPECIALLY UNDO BUDDON. Personally, I would really like to see trapdoors. How col would they be for...
I don't believe so...
'Snot my favorite, still pretty damn funny though. I like the ones where they can only say two things....There's one of them where they're in the...