I suggest you remove the roof and take some overview pictures. Then I would get a better feeling about the map. From what I can see the map looks...
Wow, thats pretty fast! You should go back and improve it =) It has lots of potential!
totally lame, one of the worst blackout maps I have ever seen. Whats the point, terrible idea. With everything blocked off it's not even playable....
I downloaded this awhile ago and have played it many times. It is extremely fun and enjoyable. The best king of the hill games I have ever played...
I wasn't impressed with the first version and I'm not impressed with this either. Not much has changed and thats a bad thing. This map needs some...
This map has a section of cover and looks fun to play. But the other section is open and lacks cover. You should add structures to the openness....
this map is not very good. There is not much description and not enough screenshots. There is no interlocking or geomerging. There is nothing...
Looks good but theres nothing really interesting or creative. It's all been done before but you did a pretty decent job with the interlocking and...
Some areas look really sloppy but I have to say I am very impressed by that cool structure and the sword spawn indentation thingies (very...
I love those slanted boxes in the second picture, it looks very cool. The layout is very unique. I like that the creek is nice and deep, very...
I love to go spelunking in the caves near my house so I will dl, even though this doesn't look much like the caves I've been in. Still, this map...
Exellent work. the great layout will make for some fun gameplay. DL'ed! =) =)
"Its so straight it makes me sick. you ****er!!!" -thesilencebroken Ha =) Great job on the alley merging, that must have taken awhile! Exellent Map
The pictures aren't showing up for me. fix if possible please! The map sounds great but I just cant tell without pictures... EDIT: nevermind,...
It doesn't look like foundry at all, this map looks like something new. The map is aesthetically beautiful, but it looks very playable, as well. I...
"I really like the towers, the aesthetics are great, most interlocking and geo merging is done very well. the spawns are inbalanced, so consider...
Thats too bad. maybe you could delete some unnecessary stuff (and get some new freinds...
I love this map and I am very excited about trying out v3! Keep making maps...
I love the rocket/camo area, it looks purty =). This map actually looks like it would be fun with a wraith, which is very rare with foundry maps....
There is a lot to like about this map. It does have its flaws and is not perfect but most of these issues are easily fixable. Nice to see a really...