I think that the removal of the sniper is a little sad but I love carbines! The great thing about carbines is that noone thinks you'll actually...
It seems that forgehub has become a place for people to say that a mediocre map is amazing just to get good rep. And those same people believe...
If I agree with other posters on a thread why can't I also state my opinion. If a thousand people say his map is unoriginal it is much more likely...
I will read the other posts before me and make sure I'm not saying the same thing!
The bases look great and everything is very clean and smooth. I'd suggest adding some more cover to the central area. I think this is a great...
Maybe make the map on avalanche then you have more room and better objects. i dont like sand trap infection maps in general every time it just...
This is not very original, there are many other maps that are extremely similar. I sorta like these kinds of maps though, even if they are a bit...
There is a ghost in the original foundry for asymetric games. He addressed this concern only a few posts above yours. Please, try not to spam up...
Maybe it's not that open, I just can't tell from the pictures. V2 would be great, if this map was cleaned up and improved it could be a lot...
exellent work, I'm glad you decided not to make a foundry map. Building outdoors on this level can be very hard due to the uneven ground, but it...
I like the map. Exellent interlocking and nice aesthetics. This is a big improvement from the original.
I think this map looks very enjoyable. I can see that you have interlocked and the map looks very clean. I hate to be repetitive but please ADD...
I think that the overshield and invis are there for aesthetic purposes only and will not affect gameplay. I'm not sure though. I like the map....
I love that tele door with the overshields but the map looks a bit too sloppy and open. To improve it I suggest you clean it up and add some...
This has been done before. I'm not too impressed but it doesn't look bad. I don't like the gameplay on foundry so I wont like it on switch. No dl...
This is a big improvement from the first version! I like the combo open and closed spaces. Each base seems very balanced and looks fun to play on....
This map is very well done. I just love the aesthetic touches like the centerpiece. Everything looks straight and clean. This is one of the most...
I really like this map. The basement is a cool idea and the layout seems well thought out. I think this would be great for intense 1v1 2v2...
idk why you say you don't know any advanced tricks. i see interlocking, and geomerging, and this map actually dosn't look to bad. I can't believe...
This map looks pretty cool. I like the forts and the cool aesthetic touches on the center piece. I hope this plays as good as it looks!