Even with the new pictures I am not impressed... It looks small and sloppy, you should clean it up!
Oh, now I know which stairs you are talking about! They are not perfect because it was really difficult to merge with the foundry ceiling. I will...
I'm very impressed by this map! THE GOOD > fun gameplay =) > great layout! > perfect interlocking > near perfect geomerging > nice aesthetics >...
Some of the things you said confused me. First, tweaking the stairs, the only stairs on this map make up one wall on the upper level. How would I...
I'm trying to be more thoughtful with my posts...
shouldn't this be in the mlg section not in competitive maps? The map is pretty good. there is nothing amazing but everythin is super straight,...
I'm glad you like the map. Have fun, I suggest team doubles, oddball, and slayer. i've got no munnies 4 scenery =( wat about silence?..?
N33Dz MOAr 1N73RL0X!!!! just kidding =) I like the map very much! It looks pretty smooth for a non interlocked map and has some neat designs. I...
First off, Always flip your boxes, it looks better and weapons aren't hidden into the retarded metal area that covers the center of the box....
I totally get it squid, that was my fault. It wont happen again!
I can't believe you are at v4! Exellent work, I love this map. Looks very fun, I will dl!
I'm so glad you like the improvements that were made! It means a lot because it was a ton of work. This may sound wierd but is there anything you...
I just looked it up in the rules and for graphics and arts THREE WEEKS is considered a necro post. I posted before the end of weeks so technically...
oh crap necro bumping, I thought that was just for maps... I saw the link to the page in someones signature and assumed it was a recent thread......
I like that you have tele nodes that you can unblock, that will really make this more enjoyable. I will download and try it out with some friends....
whose banned now... thanks for the feedback! I appreciate all that I get! I wish I could make the next version but I do not have my xbox...
Pic #9 please! Put the words "crazy zebu" and the number "42" somewhere on it. Male I don't care what size... Thank you very much, I really...
It is a little sloppy here and there and could be improved with interlocking. you could also flip those bridges and I agree with the yellow and...
dude, awesome name!