Looks nice , i like it how the Shotgun tunnel looks great and the Sword Room looks awesome too :D
It's alright but i think ive seen this somewhere else and i havent got much space left on my HD and ive got to be more selective about what i...
Looks great dude , youve definitely got my DL.
Sorry but pictures dont work and the description doesnt really sound good , sorry but you havent got my Dl.
Looks pretty cool but maybe some footage should be in order because pictures cant show gameplay really but i do like the idea of the oddball on...
Used to play. i was lvl 103 combat but i all i did was focus on total level , i think i quit at 1650. my username was 7 duke crez if you want to...
It's ok , it does seem confusing but trust me it does actually work well :)
Nice Song me like , might download the song aswell cos it sounds great :)
I'd play but my parents say i have to be off the box so i cant , sucks.
Theres still 10 dollars left on the map but ive reached the item limit and ive tried cutting off pointless items. sadly this is the best i could...
its a referral to the kill text message screen on the side of the H3 HUD , for example: "You were sniped by about 6 bushmen" there are crates...
Sorry , but i was retarded enough to not post the link. Link is up now but its not named , it is my first map after all.
Name: Art Vandelay Description: After the economy fell , Foundry ration plans were soon abandoned and shantytowns were built inside to supply...
Looks good for a first map on Foundry , the only thing that would make this better would be if you used a slightly more weapons at both bases like...