maybe i spend too much. i use all five training opportunities every level. and maybe i should just save up the five thousand for that one house...
someone needs to discover a dupe glitch soon, i need a steady source of income. i want that house in solitude, but for 25,000 i dont think ill be...
does anybody either have the guidebook, or somehow found out at what levels you encounter the types of armor/weapons? i cant find it anywhere. or...
Imperials. stormcloaks are whiny douchebags.
im somehow at level 12, and i only killed that first dragon in the main quest and did a couple side quests. I feel like im not strong enough for...
ahh **** you bud. p.s. i am also currently using that wallpaper
one more day, holy **** im so pumped
well that is false, my friend. they may be good for a straight up thief, but not assassin. they have zero combat bonuses. if you are basing your...
because theyre animals, and because i usually played as dunmer in morrowind and oblivion, and they hate filthy argonians. theyre best used as slaves.
doubt it. redguards arent sub-human animals.
argonians are filthy
i dont understand why dark elves dont get any bonuses to one handed or archery in this game, when theyre supposed to be known for their balance of...
this with a redguard. mix things up a bit. my main skills will be: sneak archery one-handed illusion light armor destruction
deng zenimax finally made them take the videos down until street date...
I dont think the one i posted was really a leak. I think it bethesda gave that website a copy for review and they decided to put videos up now.
theres werewolves in like part 13 of this its a whole walkthrough, so dont watch if you care about spoilers. although there are server problems...
just watched like an hour and a half of the leaked footage, skipping over story and just watching combat and menus and stuff. cant ****ing wait...
i didnt think bethesda could do better than captian picard in oblivion. but then they got liam neeson for fallout. I definitely didnt think they...
pick up/drag items is clearly shown in this video at 1:04 Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: Making Of Trailer - YouTube
the games seem way too slow 4v4, these maps were definitely made for 5v5. hopefully they change it to the full 5v5.