not exactly. the dark brotherhood you join in skyrim is essentially a bunch of assassins for hire, but the real dark brotherhood was actually a...
the brotherhood does not derive power from or worship any daedric lords. "Sithis is neither Aedra nor Daedra. He is described as being...
they all stack. but it doesnt work with most helmets. just falmer and imperial legion are the only ones ive found it works with so far
It also works with falmer helmets and imperial legion helmets. sometimes, you can even get 3 helmets on at one time (mask included)
unarmed damage is capped at around 60, i believe. so late in the game is gets kind of useless and thats if you are a khajiit. if not, its like...
spells that alter the world around you... such as light, improving your armor rating, detect life, telekinesis, water breathing, and paralysis....
another star wars one i just remembered: if you have [spoiler]he will sometimes say "i feel a disturbance in the void" like the well known jedi...
I dont see what your argument is... yes, the east empire company is supposed to be a reference to the east india company, that is an easter...
i would call it a glitch, not an easter egg. The only major easter eggs ive found would be the notched pickaxe, the sword chillrend from...
for anyone who has completed the main quest, how close am i if [spoiler]
i did the oghma glitch to get from 44 to 50. there were some perks i wanted and im impatient. i think ill just level up legit now, but who knows,...
im not sure what you are referring to. i didnt find anything of note....
i get the most fun out of being an unstoppable god-king...
oh good, i wanna freeze people. also, my favorite shout so far is elemental fury(i believe its called). its the one where [spoiler]
i just got the third level of frost breath and im disappointed. i thought it was gonna completely freeze people into blocks of ice...
just a normal attack gives me the assassination animation more than the power attack. actually, ive never seen it when i use a power attack.
my pickpocket was at like 17 and i did it. and as for that one guard, you can sneak like directly behind him then slowly move forward next to him...
adept was definitely the default setting for me, i remember checking when the game started
that first (real) thieves guild quest was intense. im pumped for the rest. And i havnt even gotten to the dark brotherhood yet. it seems like...