its not forerunner, it says USMC. but it seems to be a more technologically advanced human weapon, similar to the splaser. by the look of it i'd...
i could be wrong, but i thought someone said you could unlock weapons and junk in any order you want, once you have enough credits or whatever
thats good, although i never expected them to actually put game altering weapon attachments in. i dont mind a personalization aspect, thats neat.
i feel like a game can make some changes and still stay true to the game, and as of now i still think 343 can do that. almost every "competitive"...
guardian. best memories from customs come from that map.
oh yeah, because im sure these spartans floating around in a ship know all about this new enemy on a forerunner planet that nobody has ever seen...
i think its more that he'a a barbarian and unfamiliar with technology haha
not necessarily. theyre not idiots, im sure they are smart enough to understand that the community is upset about changes that would change the...
i cant wait to see cabin in the woods. written by joss whedon, it has to be good. plus ive heard nothing but good things about it.
yes, there are a few somewhat disturbing parts, but it is a very good film. its pretty tame compared to something like salo.
i dont see what i video of cod has to do with halo. in 4v4 team slayer, even if a person spawns 2 or 3 seconds earlier, they'll still be spawning...
i also remain unconvinced that press to spawn will have a significant negative effect on normal MM team slayer. you'll still have plenty of time...
honestly, the situation described where you really need that extra two seconds for map control would really only occur in games where there are...
theres some validity in that, but i still disagree. good players who played smart and worked as a team im previous titles will still do the same,...
i feel like thats a bit of an exaggeration. slayer spawn times are, what, 4 or 5 seconds? and there will be a small delay, if not a time where the...
again, as long as there are decent spawns i doubt you'll be able to see the enemy who just killed you within a second or 2 of spawning in team...
i fail to see how press to spawn instead of a four second respawn could negatively effect a non-objective game
meh. if the maps have good spawns it shouldnt be a problem
i like the look of that grunt and the elites. especially the grunt. chief looks decent, not great not terrible