not quite. the elder scrolls wiki says the death of the Snow Prince occured during the second era, which was when most of the remaining snow elves...
19. i actually couldnt remember if i was 18 or 19 for a solid minute there. gettin old already... Nobody likes you when you're 23 And you still...
my point was that they could have used someone who actually sounded like an old man. hell, heres a crazy thought, they even actually could have...
you would think couldve gotten a better voice actor for that trailer instead of some guy doing the christian bale batman voice... but other than...
knowledge of what? im just wondering if i missed something in the article. possible precursors as an enemy?
what exactly did that reveal that we didnt already know?
wikipedia is a very reliable source for things that are not obscure. also he said the halo wiki, not wikipedia.
i think mw3's multiplayer is way better then mw2. not as good as cod4, but i dunno how anyone thinks its worse than mw2, its essentially the same...
nobody ever agrees with me. its partly because i played CE after i played halo 2, so i already knew the flood would appear at some point and...
i thought halo 3 had the best campaign of any halo game, followed by odst, then reach, then halo 2, then CE. and Kat's death hit me the hardest,...
eh i always hate myself for doing it, but ill end up buying it. i liked blops better than mw2, and i told myself i would not buy mw3, but i ended...
yeah i dont have my hopes up, but maybe they'll surprise us. maybe just a little bit...
meh, ive always thought the sawed off takes no skill to use, so it doesnt seem to matter who uses it. it bothered me in the beginning because i...
i hope it turns out to be gears 3 type changes in multiplayer. it has "loadouts", but its only a choice of 3 ARs which are fairly similar and 2...
The Cabin in the Woods was one of the best movies ive seen in a while, easily the best so far this year. the third act was just so good and so...
it may not be as inherent of a name as grenade, but i am fairly sure in the actual military, at least in the U.S., a mission with a specific...
eh i still think calling it ops is like both games using the word "grenades" for explosive throwing devices. seems like the logical word to use to me.
spartan ops makes sense. its not that theyre trying to sound like cod, its just that both are using the logical name. operations is the only name...
i dont remember seeing anything like a jet pack in the e3 trailer. just chief's thrusters.
technically they have been for a while. covies reverse engineered weapons and other tech from forerunner tech, and the UNSC reverse engineered...