I cannot stand drogba. If i could take a **** on the face of one person in the world, it would be didier drogba. not much to contribute, but i...
im fairly certain you still level with skill increases, but increasing a higher skill will now be more beneficial to a level increase, since there...
there were plenty of easier skills to level grind than armorer. illusion and conjuration were cake, just keep casting the same spell while you run...
But how could she physically fight chief? Shes an AI. the only way i can think of is her taking control of some forerunner tech and robots and...
yeah i always thought the degrading was pretty dumb. armorer was such a waste of a skill so you just had waste time taking your **** to get it...
i dont really understand the point...
no im judging them based on those recently released pictures. and i dont think the details and textures are bad, just that they look like heroin...
also, most of those character models look like heroin addicts.
skull face dark elf is bad ass. and i dont really like high elf/wood elf. they look kinda hardcore, but thats a bad thing to me. the high elf...
i felt it in state college PA. i was in a big lecture class of like 300 people and everyone was freakin out.
my latest character in oblivion i power leveled my major skills so theyre all maxed except archery (stupid arwen dies so i cant get training and...
i think im gonna make 2 character and do a bunch of random miscellaneous quests with each before i really start the main quest. whichever i like...
also, if this orc had red hair it would totes look like ganondorf
i dont remember seeing these two posted here, sorry if they have [IMG] [IMG] look at that puppy!
i dont often drink beer, but when i do, i make it natty ice. i am the most chillest bro in the world. ill probably just get some dews with...
[IMG] the detail on that armor is just... i love it. [IMG] that nord looks like hes about to **** up someones day with mjolnir. he looks...
ralph lauren, true religion, express, adidas (shoes). i prob spend too much on clothes
whoash that redguard is a freakin tank. he probably curls my squat max.
what are these two? i assume the first is an elf obviously, but he doesnt really look like a high elf or wood elf. his features look more dark...