how many can we submit? if its more than one then take all of these if its one then take your favorite! Art/ staged [IMG] action/arty [IMG]...
here are only a few of mine.... [IMG]:happy: [IMG]:happy: [IMG]:happy:
You got some pretty beast angles/devils/winged creatures add me Gt= dckilla96 and we can make em together =) heres one of mine= [IMG]
[IMG] [IMG] i love these screens oh and i also have another thats pretty cool ( with a speical effect) [IMG]
here are my picture =) [IMG] : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing...
you use a tank bullet or a rocket to do that??:confused:
your sig is beast, where you get it
Edit= if you were doing a heavonly pic then you were wayyyy off:sad: also nvm about my first thingy, it did come up
i think its a pretty good picture. I got on my second account ( it was a temparay account) when i was playing lone wolves. here it is :happy:...
i forgot the excact date but use the helpfull search bar on bungie to find the forum.. its very clear on how to do it. But you will be warned it...
lol some were pretty funny!
i think its an over used effect but the screen is still pretty good 6/10
thats sweat =)
thats pretty beast......
yeah i didnt really use a test dummy so its not the right size......:sad:
o yeah... he just released how to do it on and i had a drawing of what i was gunna do for a while and i finily found out ( thanks soooo...
heh ive been looking at this site for a while but..... i havent posted much ( like 5 posts or something) so id just like to say whats up :happy:
i dont know how to post a picture though...
how do you post a picture like your sig or a picture of your map??? please tell me