Now that there's a V2, do you need this thread anymore, or should I notify a mod to lock?
Heh, somehow I wasn't surprised when you repped me for a RR pic. ^_^
Rocket Race: few liked it, many hated it, many followed it with a passion. It is a game of extremes, just like the people who follow it. Here's to...
I like competitive maps: usually CTF or Slayer, not too competitive (MLG) but suitable for me.
I don't have a whole lot to say, but having spent months dwelling around the Competitive Maps Forum (Which this guide is based), I have seen a few...
Eh, I'm not crazy about it, screenshots are really a matter of opinion, but I just see too much contrast and just think the colors are too...
Fissure - NEWER ONE AVAILABLE - Mod Please Lock This map has been updated and revised - final version here. A mod can lock. Thank you.