I've played the Great Wall before - gameplay here is very different. One large wall is pretty much all that's in common.
Thanks, glad to hear you like it. The only reason I didn't leave it at V2 or V3, which was probably aesthetically better, was to improve gameplay.
Reported for SEVERAL double, and even triple posts. I don't have sympathy for first-time posters: it's their obligation to read the rules like...
This is a really unique idea, and a solid map, but I wouldn't put it above Hangar 02. I love Hangar 02's simplicity. Not to take away from your...
Thanks Zombievillan, and to all the others who posted. Believe it or not, even two ghosts won't do that much. They are easily destroyed, and even...
Haha, thanks for all your help along the way Sam.
Thanks for all the replies guys. If you said there wasn't enough cover on the ground floor, please read my OP. Thanks. I don't really see what...
Great job stocking up the front page, urk.
...Thanks? But if you saw the first version, you saw an entirely different map... - Sniper towers were symmetrical - Two-floor middle wall, where...
Thanks for the reply. The second floor cover is an interesting thing, actually. I'm satisfied with the amount of it, because if there's too much...
Lol I dunno either. Great concept Insane. Gotta love Cosmic's quote too, this map is really one of a kind. I love it, except for the one time...
It's up now. ^_^ Enjoy. I know where the spawn issue was, and it has been resolved.
Thanks, yeah I got the name Fissure from the snaking double boxes and bridge hills. The map can play anywhere from two to fourteen players...
They do, EpicFishFingers. The only limit as to glitches is no unlimited budget. ____ Ouch, sorry DtL. Technology does suck. Hope you get it back...
[IMG] Download Fissure is a project that I have worked on for months on end, testing and re-testing, perfecting again and again. I wanted the...
Amazing job guys. The layout is one-of-a-kind, and I think this map has a great shot in Atlas. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear from you...
What he meant was that he wanted to get another point for his post count, so he made up some crap about your camo spawn. Anyways, this map does...
I'm glad you chose Excel as a name, not Powerpoint or Publisher. :P The map looks really solid, I like the broad features. Sometimes forgers try...
No offense at all to BL00D, but Shishka was as clear as can be, and there really shouldn't be this issue with a staff.
It looks like it has lots of unique features. I would geomerge some walls in open areas for safe spawns. As for names: - Axis - Intercept -...