How modest of you. Maybe take a look at my suggestions? I tried to help, but all you did was... complement yourself...
I don't remember a member with more map threads in 37 posts, you're quite the machine. I also can't remember a new member, with this many maps,...
...sorry. Lol, I'll fix it. Did you seriously just bring my pic into photoshop and edit the size? :P
You have some very good forging skills. I'm not a big fan of the layout, however. The warthog has no place on the map, and four turrets are far...
Yeah, I mean, other than a window panel that won't block off your entire body, you have no cover up there. You better be a quick shot, because if...
I'm in. Thankyoozorz.
Alright, got it, GB username is "Cnevz", so I think you need to send me a team inv.
Yeah, I already have one. I'm just wondering why it won't let me login... I'll get back to you.
I do, but it won't work... I'm working on it...
I'm in. I'm level 44, I can fend for myself. :D Any time there's a game and I'm needed, I'll try to attend. Good idea. EDIT: That is, if I can...
Ah, true, I wasn't thinking of that as a glitch (Off of Standoff's cliff), but yes, you can't glitch out of maps either. He's responding to...
I can't get on right away, because this is my brother's time to play (CoD4 nub), but I'll be on in a bit.
Lol, sounds like the perfect solution, can't wait.
Best of luck, LIGHTS & Creep. I can see how Land Grab would work so well on this map. It seems, in this gametype, to work a lot like High...
First off, I'm an experienced forger, and I know geomerges in general, I'm looking for specific advice on this scenario. Basically, I'm...
Actually, Shishka watches the films from scratch, on his 360, so he gets every point of view. But for the sake of this thread I'll gamevee a...
Any time Sam, the major changes are to the sniper tower, the new wall obviously changes the entire map, and the arch provides a lot more cover...
I'll take the 4.98, lol, I tried to create a map without constant walls and barriers for cover, which actually don't always provide solid cover,...
Lol thanks Lights. :D And in the right thread too! I'll send you an invite any time we're playing, and I NEED to see Land Grab on Helvetica. I...
Uh, Lights, you revived my dead version. The final one has the version number in the title. You can delete/lock this one, and move your comment to...